Operations expenses are all costs associated with operating a ministry to the glory of God. These include such items as utilities, office supplies, insurance premiums, bank payments, computers, security costs, etc. This year, we will spend 31 cents of each dollar received on operations.
The Lord has provided Brookstone with a beautiful church campus, Brookstone Park, and the use of Charles C. Bell Elementary School where we worship, learn God’s word, train our children and grow together as a family. From these locations, the ministry of Brookstone Church reaches across the street and around the world. Facilities costs are those expenses related to servicing and maintaining our Weaverville campus and Brookstone Park, as well as all rental costs for our East campus.
We believe that Jesus came to build a church that would overpower the forces of Hell and enlarge the kingdom of God. We envision being that church! To this end, the largest portion of our budget is committed to ministry and mission. These costs include ministries to children, students and adults. Such items as discipleship materials, counseling ministry expenses, radio outreach, care for shut-ins and those with benevolence needs are in this item as well. Also included here is our ongoing investment in local and global missions and evangelism training, as well as salaries for each of our full-time and part-time staff members. This year, we will spend 64 cents of each dollar received on ministry and mission.
For 2023, our annual budget for both campuses combined is $4,020,453.22