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New York City

High School Students

This mission trip allows high school students to hit the parks of New York City and share the gospel with everyone they come in contact with. The team completes evangelism training and works on their presentation leading up to the trip. While on the trip, they share the gospel via skits, puppet shows, gospel presentations, face painting, balloon animals, magic tricks and more.

Applications for this trip are available to high school students in February. For more information about this mission trip, please contact Sullivan Brady.

J-Dock, Seward Alaska

The Alaska mission trip allows for opportunities to work on projects at a mission house in Seward, or other locations in Seward during the day.  This trip also consists of a meal/evangelism team to provide meals and outreach to the captains, deck-hands, and fish processors that work at the harbor in Seward.  At least 10 meals will be provided to these workers over the course of both weeks of this trip.  Can choose between a one-week option or a two-week option.

Team formation begins in January due to the need to secure airfare. For more information or to get involved, please contact Steve Ward  or Scott Shields.

Central America


Honduras is a unique mission experience. You will be challenged physically, mentally and spiritually. Your heart will be changed and your eyes opened as you experience God's presence during this life changing trip.

How you can support this mission:

  • We are seeking donations to purchase Spanish Bibles. God has burdened our hearts to give out 5,000 Bibles to spread the gospel message. Each Bible costs $3.00

  • We are collecting money to purchase 15,000 pounds of beans to give away as we go door to door.

  • Medical expense money. We encounter many people that need medical attention and we pay for those services when possible.

  • We continue to build homes when resources are available. Each block home costs $5,000.

I would love to share with you or your Lifegroup how God used Honduras to transform my heart and change the direction of my life. If you would like to join us on this life changing trip or if you would like to purchase Bibles or food please don’t hesitate to contact Gary Kiger (828) 774-2116

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